inherited VfsSftpValidateChangedKeyDialog: TVfsSftpValidateChangedKeyDialog Caption = 'Changed Host Key' ClientHeight = 233 PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 inherited ValidateKeyLbl: TUiLabel Top = 31 Width = 400 Height = 58 AutoSize = False Caption = 'The server'#39's host key does not match the one stored in the trust' + 'ed cache. This means that either the server administrator has c' + 'hanged the host key, or you have connected to another computer p' + 'retending to be the server.' WordWrap = True end inherited AddToCacheLbl: TUiLabel Top = 161 end object WarningLbl: TUiLabel [3] Left = 54 Top = 12 Height = 13 Caption = 'WARNING - Potential Security Breach' FontStyle = [fsBold] end inherited DetailsGroupBox: TUiGroupBox Top = 92 end inherited AddToCacheEdit: TUiCheckBox Top = 180 Caption = '&Replace existing host key in trusted cache' end inherited ConnectBtn: TUiButton Top = 202 end inherited CancelBtn: TUiButton Top = 202 end end